Monday 19th November 2023 our team from Rakthadaan accompanied with Gandhi Hospital Blood bank team of experts conducted a Blood grouping and blood donation drive in Bharath Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam located in the outskirts of Bhagyanagar (Hyderabad).
We were overwhelmed with the response from young engineering students who participated. At the end of the day we had done blood grouping for 656 students and our young donors provided us 90 units of blood.
They knew that Rakthadaan Seva Trust only donates the blood to Government hospitals where the under-previliged are often seeking medical help. The donation of one unit of blood is further processed to separate multiple components such as Plasma, platelets and Red Blood cells. As a matter of fact Whole Blood is only given to patients who have profuse bleeding due to injury or surgical procedure.
Blood is usually identified based on the group, we have 10 groups of blood including rare blood group and Ro subtype. The students who participated in the blood grouping were also given details of registering as Voluntary donors in our Rakthadaan database which boasts of having more than 65000 voluntary donors till date.
This database is used by our 24×7 callcenter which recieves blood requests and then our agent searches using the blood group, location and hospital to identify Donors. Our agent then calls these donors and based on their physical well-being and availability requests them to donate the blood in person to the requestor. there is a thorough background check done on the requests by our agent.
We proudly fulfill on an average 5-8 blood requests per day and have been doing this since the inception of Rakhtadaan which spans over a decade.
We have Rakthadaan co-ordinators in each village, mandal and district across Telangana.